“REAP IN MERCY”. Part 1 : Thursday July 20

Hosea 10:12

"Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground:for it is time to seek the Lord, till He come and rain righteousness upon you."

The above passage is literarily looking at the way we sow. This sowing is all inclusive. Seed of money, time, treasure, etc. Sow what you have to sow, do what you have to do, but for God’s sake sow and do your sowing in righteousness. This is for our own benefits first and foremost. At the end, others too might benefit.

If any one sows to himself/herself in unrighteousness how do we expect them to reap? In mercy or otherwise? The seed sowed in unrighteousness will reap justice/ judgement. Whereas, all we need is mercy to spend the rest of our life; to break every dryness that comes our ways. Fallow ground represents barriers, failures, difficulties etc. When the fallow ground is broken there will be breakthroughs by His mercy.

How we sow matters to God and how we serve HIM matters. How we utilize our talents and treasures toward GOD matter. Let righteousness be our focus in seeking God. We cannot seek HIM in any form of unrighteousness and expect to reap in mercy. Jesus is coming and there would be day of reckoning for our service or dis service; to reward us accordingly in the new world and heavenly order. Amen.

Prayer points for the day

1) Lord, thank you all for the season of mercy for us, in Jesus Name.

2) Father, thank you for the season that mercy will prevail over justice for me and family, in Jesus Name.

3) Father, let your mercy bring daily blessing and favor of forgiveness in my life, in Jesus Name.

4) Lord, let there be rain of abundant mercy, in Jesus Name.

5) Abba Father, let me continue to sow in righteousness, in Jesus Name.

6) Abba Father, by your mercy let my fallow ground become fruitful to your glory, in Jesus Name.

7) Almighty God, let your mercy season bring unexplainable promotion to me and my family members, in Jesus Name. Amen.

Have a blessed and wonderful day!


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"His grace is sufficient for thee..." 2 Cor 12: 9