
"Jesus answered him, if I have spoken evil, bear witness of the evil: but if well, why smitest thou me?"

The above text was one of the few answers that Jesus gave during His last days of prosecution on earth. Meanwhile, all the apostles had left him to suffer. No one was around in the court premises to bear him good witness to his doctrines, teachings and all the great things they witnessed Jesus had done. Surprisingly, all the Apostles were outside the court warming up themselves with unbelieving believers.


Peter the strong spokesman of Jesus was not exempted. He was outside with them warming himself outside the courts with the agents of the accusers of Jesus. Was that well? He was in hiding with the crowd. He lost his usual conscience and curiosity to go with Jesus any further. All of the Apostles stood afar off. Was that well? Contrary to the normal thing, Jesus was smitten by one of the officers in the court and the judge was pleased with such unlawful act.


The lesson here today is that Jesus bore this officers’ confrontation with extra ordinary wonderful meekness and patience. All Jesus said was asking for an open witness; if all he had spoken or done were evil? No one could witness evil against Jesus. No one could judge evil against Jesus, yet he was extremely humiliated. Jesus realized the day was called for his high restraints. JESUS did not call down fire, or answered with a wrath of miracle, or stuck him dead or  have the hand withered. Instead, Jesus responded with meekness of wisdom and did not avenge himself. Jesus approached the humiliation and became as innocent as a dove not to fight back. 


We as Christians should learn of Jesus. Resent insults rationally. When there is suffering and injury; they may not be well, we must act as Jesus acted. Times of sufferings are not fun and does not go down well, but what did Jesus do? Try and just remember JESUS in all things and it shall be well!


Prayer points for the day

1) Father, thank you for another day of your glory, in Jesus Name. Amen.

2) Lord, thank you for a day of your revelation to receive thy word, in Jesus Name.

3) Father, give me the grace of a meek wisdom to handle extreme humiliation, in Jesus Name.

4) Father, give me the grace of a meek extreme patience to handle sufferings of any kind, in Jesus Name.

5) Lord, teach me to have the heart of Jesus in dealing with humiliation and disappointments in Jesus Name.

6) Almighty God, let it be well with me in all areas of my life, in Jesus Name.

7) Father, I put my life and my entire household in your extra ordinary hands forever, in Jesus Name. Amen.

Have a blessed and wonderful day!


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"His grace is sufficient for thee..." 2 Cor 12: 9