“LOVE SUFFERETH LONG” : Tuesday February 27

1 Corinthians 13:4-5

4) "Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, 5) Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is nor easily provoked, thinketh no evil."

From the above passages, we can note that love is a Godly virtue. Its foundation is God. Love as enumerated above is not possible without kindness. When you see loving people, you see people that are kind. Envy is a killer of love. In actual fact, the first envy listed in the Bible resulted in murder within a family. (Ref. Cain and Abel.)

Love that suffers long is always patient and kind in nature. It does not rush into condemnation. It defends and protects in all situations. Let your love begin to spring up before the spring time so that you can be well prepared for a kind of love that comes with brightness and and assurance.

February the month popularly known as the love month is about to end tomorrow, brethren, let us embrace 1 Corinthians chapter 13 : 1-8 love highlights as regular habits. They cannot go wrong. Love like St Valentine, who went to jail for the sake of love. Also, like our Lord Jesus; who laid down HIS precious life for us to live life in abundance. Do not just stumble on love, fall in love and you should enjoy love.

Prayer points for the day

1) Lord, thank you for the beauty of another day of love, in Jesus Name.

2) Father, open the flood gate of your love for me and family, in Jesus Name.

3) Lord, let me love without holding back, in Jesus Name.

4) Father, give me grace to love with respect, in Jesus Name.

5) Lord, do not allow evil to tempt me not to love the unlovable, in Jesus Name.

6) Father, as this month is going away, let all my shortcomings in life, go away with this month, in Jesus Name.

7) Lord, let my love ‘tank’ become full and not to be empty any more, in Jesus Name.

Have a blessed and wonderful day!


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"His grace is sufficient for thee..." 2 Cor 12: 9