“ALWAYS A WAY OUT= DIVINE VICTORY” Part 1: Wednesday June 2

2 Corinthians 4:8-9

8) "We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed ; we are perplexed, but not in despair ; 9) Persecuted, but not forsaken ; cast down, but not destroyed;"

Victory is achieving a positive outcome despite all the negative indicators surrounding a person, people, family, community or a nation. God always give victories when all things are surrendered or turned over to God, after all human efforts. Where ever our efforts stop, God sovereign power takes over.

Without suffering, struggles, difficulties, battles and challenges of life; victory may not be totally understood. It is possible to have victory over the flesh, world and Satan. However, it is not how much you prepare ; or your know-how, that commands victory, it is about the One you know that fights your battles. When David faced Goliath, he called God; “the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied” 1 Samuel 17:45b. He put the enemies into the hands of God and went for the head of the enemy- Goliath.

After Paul the Apostle was converted in his an extraordinary encounter with Jesus, he experienced victory till the end. He always had a way out ahead of any circumstances, because he turned all his battles to Jesus. No matter on any side of trouble he might be, Paul stood and never got distressed. That was victory. Do not allow distress to come over you for no reason. There is victory of the Lord for you. Call the name of the Lord of hosts against the battle after you have tried all you could and God will come forth for you, in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.

Prayer points for the day

  1. Father, thank you for a new dawn of victory, in Jesus Name.
  2. Father, thank you for giving me victory over sins and flesh, in Jesus Name.
  3. Father, let me be victorious over all the enticement of sins and darkness, in Jesus Name.
  4. Father, in my valley let me find victory, in Jesus Name.
  5. Lord, on mountain top, let me find victory, in Jesus Name.
  6. Lord, turn every defeat I have ever faced in life into victory, in Jesus Name.
  7. Father, my head will not lack victory, in Jesus Name. Amen.

Have a blessed and wonderful day!


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"His grace is sufficient for thee..." 2 Cor 12: 9