“YEA, I HAVE LOVED THEE”. Part 1 : Monday February 11

Jeremiah 31:3

"The Lord hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee"

The above Bible passage is an assurance of rebuilding Jews and their lands ; after their return from another round of captivity. It further shows that God does not forsake His own people, because in the multitude of unrighteous we still have some that are righteous. However, God loves both, but in the punishment of a nation, both also go under it. Lord have mercy.

God Has been full of love from the time Elohim. He is the only One that does not turn on and off love. He is very consistent in loving us. He never runs out of love like mankind. His love is from everlasting to everlasting. His love does not fail, even when we fail Him. God never runs empty tank of love. Always full of love and always distributing through His only begotten Son – Jesus.

The Jews failed God many times, yet God extended His Loving hands to them with a promise of restoration because of one thing “LOVE”. Love overlooks our shortcomings over time, before punishment is applied. God does not hate us, but hates the sinful nature we acquire over the years. Love really matters to God and God really matters to the things of love. If we can repent like the Jews of the Bible days, God will always remember His promise to love us; no matter what! Amen.

Prayer points for the day

1) Father, thank you for your everlasting love for me, in Jesus Name.

2) Lord, thank you for your unfailing promises, in Jesus Name.

3) Lord, thank you for your forgiveness of my ancestral, generational and foundational shortcoming, in Jesus Name.

4) Almighty Father, let love rule this world, in Jesus Name.

5) Father, let love become a “weapon” in my life, in Jesus Name.

6) Lord, thank you for the everlasting love, in my life and family, in Jesus Name.

7) Lord, my family and myself will not miss your love for us, in Jesus Name. Amen.

Have a blessed and wonderful day!


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"His grace is sufficient for thee..." 2 Cor 12: 9