“UNDERSTANDING TIMES”. Part 1: Monday April 29

1 Chronicles 12:32

"And the children of Is-sa-char, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do; the heads of them were two hundred ; and all their brethren were at their commandments.

Does the name of Is-sa-char ring any bell at all? Let us go back into the book of Genesis 49:14. which indicates Is-sa-char as one of the twelve sons of Jacob who received blessing just before he, Jacob, died. Each of them became each tribe in Israel. As a matter of further knowledge about Jacob’s children, there was a Dinah a daughter of Jacob who was rarely mentioned in the life history of Jacob. Why? May be because of the disturbing story in her life!!!!

Part of the implication of Is-sa-char’s blessing is to be able to understand his time. When someone understand’s his/her time, such a person would understand his/her season. Understanding timing especially God’s time brings prudence and wisdom that no book can teach. This will result in using such time to build up solid attempt to making progress in life.

Brethren, God is in the know of the season you are in right now. Such season/s have time line and limit attached to it. There is opportunity in every season and as the tribe of Is-sa-char understood their time and used what they went through to their advantage and good so you can. The reason may be rough now, but it will not consume you as long as God Liveth, in Jesus Name. Amen

Prayer points for the day

1) Father, thank you for giving the grace to understand my time and my season in Jesus Name.

2) Lord, open my eyes and let me be alert in my time and season in Jesus Name.

3) Father, cleanse me and do not allow my sins to block my time, in Jesus Name.

4) Father, let my time come with breakthroughs and blessings, in Jesus Name.

5) Lord, do not allow any rough season to consume my life and family, in Jesus Name.

6) Almighty God, as this year is progressing, let my time and season progress gloriously, in Jesus Name.

7) Father, move and let every season of shame disappear in my life and family, in Jesus Name. Amen.

Have a blessed and wonderful day!


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"His grace is sufficient for thee..." 2 Cor 12: 9