LOVE EXTRAORDINARY”. Part II : Monday February 25

Luke 15:20

"And he arose, and came to his father. But when he was yet a great way off, his father saw him, and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him"

Love extraordinary is a kind of love that is beyond the bound of reasons. It is love beyond our comprehension. The prodigal son and his father played out the scenario of rebellious son and loving father in the above Bible passage.

The prodigal wanted his inheritance as a quick gratification while his father was still alive. The father yielded and the boy took off away from home on his own terms. He squandered the inheritance and he eventually became a slave in a strange land.

He went away from home and spent all the inheritance and his adventure became a venture. However, with all the behavior of the son, the father seemed to be expecting the return of the son who eventually repented and resolved to go back home to the father to be reinstated. The father received the repented son and celebrated his return as if there was no hurting. That is the way a true Christian should love the unloveable. Love to cover all multitude of sin and set your mind free of any offenses. Amen.


Prayer points for the day

1) Father, thank you for your lovingkindness for me, in Jesus Name.

2) Lord, give me the grace to love no matter what! in Jesus Name.

3) Father, my adventure will never ever become a venture, in Jesus Name.

4) Lord, do not let me stray away from your loving hands, in Jesus Name.

5) Father, my glory will not turn to into rags, in Jesus Name.

6) Lord, set my life free from every power of hatred, in Jesus Name.

7) Father, give me the grace to love as if I have not been hurt, in Jesus Name.

Have a blessed and wonderful day!


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"His grace is sufficient for thee..." 2 Cor 12: 9