“GOING WITH JOY AND LED BY PEACE” Part 1: Tuesday December 10

Isaiah 55:12

“For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace:the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing , and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands. “

Ye represent all the people that would respond to the love displayed by God and His ultimate great invitation, in John 3:16. Prophet Isaiah had prophesied the coming of Jesus in the early part of his book. To be precise in chapter 9, where it was specifically stated that “ unto us a Son is given and a child is born” to rule and reign in the government to be given to HIM. The birth of Jesus is all about of good tidings and great joy.

The joy in the above Bible passage surpasses any happiness people may have now in the world, because it is temporary. There is a hope of joy for us and this is because of Jesus. The mountains, hills and the trees of the field which are all the creation of God shall rise up and support your joy and peace. They will add to the joy and peace already proclaimed by Jesus for us. Amen.

Brethren, with Jesus in our lives, the hope of joy we have will take away all our inner sensed troubles and the hope of peace will overcome the outer sensed troubles. With Jesus, there is assurance of the hope turning into reality, which will lead to everlasting joy and peace. Amen.

Prayer points for the day

1) Father, thank you for your creation that will add more to my joy and peace, in Jesus Name.
2) Father, turn my hope into reality, in Jesus Name.
3) Lord, sin will not have dominion over my joy and peace, in Jesus Name.
4) Father, let my joy and peace overflow, in Jesus Name.
5) Father, let me walk in joy and peace all the days of my life, in Jesus Name.
6) Father, my joy and peace will not turn to sorrow and crisis, in Jesus Name.
7) Lord, as this month advances let my joy and peace advance, in Jesus Name. Amen.

Have a blessed and wonderful day!


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"His grace is sufficient for thee..." 2 Cor 12: 9