Malachi 2:2

“If ye will not hear, and if ye will not lay it to heart , to give glory unto my name, saith the Lord of hosts, I will even send a curse upon you and I will curse your blessings: yea, I have cursed them already, because ye do not lay it to heart."

The above Bible passage also indicates that God takes ingratitude very serious. God is the source of all we are and all we have. Without God we cannot even talk of coming to life, talk less of His blessings. He is the beginning and the ending of it all. Why wait for God to ask for what is due to HIM? We cannot claim the credit that belongs to HIM, because He would not share it with anyone or anything. God is the undeniable source of our being. Amen.

What does it cost a true child of God to give glory to God? Your voice, time and
probably lifting up your hands and kneeling down to appreciate God. May be your treasure? When your praises go up to God all the blessings are released. It is always a good thing to glorify God naturally without any push from any one. God wants us to praise him and give glory to Him so that our blessing can be preserved and prevented from being cursed.

Brethren, please lay it to heart and begin to give glory to God. This art of gratitude guarantees more new blessing and protection of existing blessings from exposure to curses. God’s glory will never be shared with any man, including you and any of your helpers. Any curse from God terminates further blessings and existing blessing may be withdrawn. Get addicted to praising God and giving HIM all the glory. Stand firm and be steadfast with the things of God and you will never be disappointed. God wants your praise. Give it to HIM. Amen.

Prayer points for the day

1) Lord, thank you for laying it into my heart to praise you on daily basis, in Jesus Name.
2) Father, I lift up my hands to appreciate all of your blessings in the past and now and future, in Jesus Name.
3) Lord, fire proof my blessings as I praise your Holy Name, in Jesus Name.
4) Father, you are worthy of my praises day and night of my life, in Jesus Name.
5) Father, let me constantly engage with the mystery of thanksgiving for eternal blessings, in Jesus Name.
6) Father, let my thanksgiving blessings supernaturally multiply in Jesus Name.
7) Lord, thank you for sustaining my spirit, soul and body, in Jesus Name. Amen.

Have a blessed and wonderful day!


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"His grace is sufficient for thee..." 2 Cor 12: 9