Hebrews 8:6

"But now hath he obtained a more excellent ministry, by how much also he is the mediator of a better covenant, which was established upon better promises"

The ministry of better covenant is established upon better promises. The Father, working with the Son and the Son working with the Holy Spirit. Jesus the mediator of the better covenant wants us to move from our present level to better promises. He went to the cross so that we can have better covenant with better promises. Amen!

That been said, the people that move to better promises will no longer live under the old glory of old covenant. Such people will begin to achieve and accomplish more that the tradition of men, which can be miserable. Your joy will become better, because the Mediator of the better covenant Has come to give us life in amazing levels and in abundance. John 10:10.

Your joy will stand out and peak up to victory that will be better than the former. Whatever you touch will become better, because you are under the new order and management of New Covenant, better covenant and better promises. Begin to speak and walk in victory. If you ever find yourself in the valley, it is possible to have better promises of victory. Also, on your mountain, it is possible to have more glorious promises of victory, in Jesus Name. Amen.

Prayer points for the day

1) Father, thank you for ending the month of divine covenant with complete victory for me and family, in Jesus Name.

2) Father, thank you for allowing me and family to enter into the new month of victory, in Jesus Name.

3) Father, set my feet upon the solid rock of victory without any transgression following me, in Jesus Name.

4) Lord, thank you for the token of covenant of your mercy against judgement, in Jesus Name.

5) Lord, as I enter the new month, let your divine victory come along with me with load of blessings, in Jesus Name.

6) Father, let every works of the devil in my life be totally destroyed and give me full joy of victory, in Jesus Name.

7) Father, let the new month of June answer to serve me for victory, in Jesus Name. Amen.

Have a blessed and wonderful day!


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"His grace is sufficient for thee..." 2 Cor 12: 9